Criminal Justice Lawyer: What You Need To Know

A criminal justice lawyer is a specialist in criminal law. They specialize in defending people who have been accused or, in the case of a criminal appellate lawyers, convicted of crimes. A criminal justice lawyer may take on many cases from different areas, but the best criminal defense lawyers tend to specialize on certain types of cases.

The primary role of a criminal justice lawyer is to provide legal counsel for their clients who are entangled with the criminal justice system. In these cases, they represent their clients by providing a defense in court and, in some cases, by negotiating plea bargains on their behalf. They also work to reduce penalties for defendants who have been convicted of a crime.

Arrested in Texas?

You May Need To Hire A Defense Attorney

It’s a well-known fact that the Texas criminal justice system is harsh and unforgiving. There are law enforcement officials who will stop at nothing to lock up a person in order to maintain the status quo. This section will provide you with a few examples of when a Texas criminal defense lawyer can be handy.

  • A police officer pulls you over for speeding and asks if there’s anything illegal in your vehicle, do you answer truthfully?
  • What if they ask if you have any drugs, alcohol, or weapons; do you tell them everything?
  • What if they ask for consent to search your car?
  • Would you consent without an attorney present?

These are all tough situations that anyone could find themselves in. It can be hard to know what rights we actually have when it comes to searches, confessions, seizures, and arrest situations. This is why having access to a criminal defense attorney can be of great benefit.

When Should A Person Hire A Criminal Defense Lawyer

It is hard to know when you should hire a criminal defense lawyer, but if you are facing any of the following then it might be time to start considering it.

  • You feel like your rights were violated during an arrest.
  • You are being charged with a crime and the prosecutor is pushing for jail time.
  • You are being investigated by police or FBI for a crime.
  • The victim has died and the police think you caused their death.

It is best to consult with a Texas criminal defense lawyer before or immediately after you are charged with any crime. The earlier you hire a defense attorney the better because they will have plenty of time to investigate the case, interview witnesses, and prepare you for trial. In many cases, the charges are dismissed during pre-trial proceedings. If you have any questions, most lawyers and law firms provide 100% free consultations.

How Long is Typical Consultation With A Lawyer?

The consultation may take up 30 minutes or more, depending on how many questions you have for the attorney.

A consultation with a criminal defense lawyer is not designed to provide an immediate solution to your problem. It is an opportunity for the lawyer to assess the case, formulate a strategy, and give advice on what can be done next. Obviously, if you don’t hire the lawyer they’re not going to execute any strategies on your behalf.

Typical Legal Fees When Hiring Defense Attorneys

The fees associated with hiring a Texas criminal defense lawyer are, of course, contingent upon the severity of the crime alleged. The range for misdemeanor cases is usually about $1,000-$5,000. Felony cases are more expensive and can range from $4,000 to $10,000.

However, each lawyer, their experience, and each case is different. Some legal fees can be less than $1,000.00 for simple marijuana possession cases while the legal fees for complex felony cases could be in the 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars.

How Do Criminal Lawyers Help In Court?

Lawyers are the most important asset in any criminal case. A lawyer can assess the facts of the case and provide a legal strategy to beat it. A lawyer can be present during interrogations, create evidence for the defense, and help to question witnesses.

Criminal cases have many different outcomes. The accused can be convicted, acquitted, plead guilty, plead not guilty or no contest. Lawyers are required to help their clients in every aspect of the case including finding out what they can do to strengthen their defense and get them off.

Lawyers must use a variety of strategies to help their client gain a not guilty verdict. It is important that they have a strong understanding of the case, as well as research and arguments for why their client should be found not guilty. They also need to know the law, prepare for trial by developing case-specific defense tactics, and have some investigation done on their own.

In order to win a not guilty verdict at trial, lawyers must know the law and be prepared for any possible tactics used by the prosecutor. They also need to investigate the case themselves and do extensive research on all aspects of it.

When Lawyers Investigate Criminal Cases

Lawyers are often faced with the challenge of obtaining details that are not readily available. Private investigators provide the information that lawyers need to help them in their cases.

Private investigators are also often hired by lawyers to find evidence for a case, or to locate witnesses who have left town or gone into hiding. Private investigators have a wide range of skills and knowledge, which they can use to help lawyers win their cases.

Getting Cases Dismissed

The only way to get your criminal case dismissed in court is with an attorney who knows how to do the necessary research and the right investigation in order to get an acquittal.

A dismissal in court can occur in one of two ways. The first is when the defendant chooses to waive his or her trial rights and plead guilty for a lesser sentence. The second, more likely way, is by getting their charges dismissed by making a motion for dismissal at trial before they are convicted of anything.